We are credit specialists: we support companies with real, tailored solutions, creating value for the country. Join us, become an illimiter.
We are a bank and we are proud to be one
We live by innovation
We believe in freedom
We act responsibly
EMPLOYEE VALUE PROPOSITIONWe firmly believe that the professional success of every individual hinges upon a continuous mutual exchange. Therefore, we offer to our illimiters a tailored personal growth journey designed for the boundless.
Future Asset Manager ProgramFAMP is the new six-month program promoted by illimity academy, an internship that combines the teaching of the Master in Credit Management with the training on the job to develop ARECneprix's Asset Managers of the future.
illimity Bank S.p.A. | Sede: Via Soperga 9 – 20124 Milano - Capitale Sociale Euro 54.690.661,10 interamente sottoscritti e versati. Iscritta al Registro delle imprese di Milano - Numero REA MI 2534291 - Codice Fiscale N. 03192350365 - Rappresentante del Gruppo IVA “illimity” Partita IVA N. 12020720962 - Codice ABI 03395 www.illimity.com - Iscritta all’Albo delle Banche N. 5710 - Capogruppo del Gruppo illimity Bank S.p.A. iscritto all’Albo dei Gruppi Bancari N. 245 Tel. 0282849000 | PEC illimity@pec.illimity.com.